
Meaning of KB in wood/wooden furniture/forestry. What is the exact quantity of wood meant by KB of wood?

1kb wood - meaning of kb in wood - kb of wood meaning
1kb wood - meaning of kb in wood - kb of wood meaning
We all might have encountered the term KB used in wood measurements. You may just laugh for a while and think why KB term is being used in measurements of wood. You may just think KB means Kilo Byte which is used as a measurement of data size in the technology field.

Let's come to the point, when we go to purchase some wooden items for our house or something else to build windows, doors or some other furniture items then seller calculates the volume of wood in KB and charge the price of wood accordingly.

To be specific, the term KB is the unit of measurement of wood volume. Thus people use word/term KB in wood/wooden furniture/forestry to measure the volume of wood. Now again you may rise one question and ask " What is the exact quantity of wood meant by KB?

Now, we will try to know what is the exact quantity of KB wood.


KB = Length (L) × Breadth (B) × Height (H)

1 KB = 3 inch × 4 inch × 12 feet


1 KB = 3 inch × 4 inch × 144 inch

Thus 1KB of wood means

1 KB of wood = 3-inch × 4-inch × 12 feet

1 KB of wood = 3 inch × 4 inch × 144 inch = 1728 inch3

1 KB of wood = 0.25 feet × 0.3333333 feet × 12 feet = 1 feet3

1 KB of wood = 7.62 cm × 10.16 cm × 365.76 cm = 28316.85 cm3

1 KB of wood = 0.0762 meter × 0.1016 meter × 3.6576 meter = 0.028317 meter3

Finally 1 KB of wood = 1728 inch3 = 1 feet3 = 28316.85 cm3 = 0.028317 meter3


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